Sunday 23 June 2013

I'm excited about my birthday, even though it means I'm another year older... Today I'm looking forward to being rather spoilt and having a fun family celebration this evening. I will be eating well! At the moment I'm contemplating getting up and going for a cycle or a swim, but .... Maybe later! I do plan to get right back on track with my 5:2 fasting diet next week, and probably for the rest of the year. It's been much easier than I imagined and I've loved the weight loss and new energy it's given me. The other day I walked up a very long steep hill near me without any of the huffing and puffing that usually went with it. I think my weight loss is the best birthday prezzie to myself !!! I'd like to lose another 7 or 8 pounds before my holiday in a months time. Then, I hope to keep up the 2 semi-fasting days until I am slim! I'm not going to settle for being less fat - although I do love it- I'm going to go for the max. Meanwhile, it's time to get on with my birthday, woo hoo!