Thursday 20 October 2011

I will be losing it - just you wait

Autumn is here and the leaves are starting to fall. Oh those trees have it so easy. They stand there, looking great, with different colours and textures that suit the season (unless they're evergreen of course...) and then, just when they might be saying to each other "Ooh, I seem to have put on a few pounds recently - could do with slimming down a bit," their leaves take the hint and drop off, leaving them with a stick thin figure all through the winter season and perfect for next spring's fashions when they arrive.

That is what I want to do. I'd like to be able to tell my body that there are bits of it that really don't belong on me any more and could these fat blobs please melt away right now. Wouldn't that be good!

Instead, I've found I just can't stop eating at the moment. True, I'm eating all the right things - I still have my favourite, tasty low fat, low calorie breakfasts, lunches and dinners... but in between I have my favourite high fat and sugary snacks and in the evening I enjoy my glasses of wine just a little too frequently!

Why am I doing this to myself? Is it something instinctive about preparing for winter? I love feeling slimmer and I hate seeing blobby me reappearing, but I'm finding it really difficult to get on the right track.

But today I am going to start going for it big time. I have Christmas as my goal and hope to be able to slide into something that makes me feel slim and sexy by then! I also want to go skiing - and be able to get up when I fall over... Not sure if that's affordable this year, but I hope I can find a way.

So I shall step up the exercise. Today is beautiful and I plan to cycle for a couple of hours, with some steep hills to burn off the calories and build up my muscles. And it will work! I have just refused a sausage roll offered me by my daughter and believe me sausage rolls are one of my biggest temptations and downfalls. So there it is. I will be back losing it from today!

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