Saturday, 7 January 2012

Carrots and Sticks

Last night, over a wonderful meal of tempura prawns, paella and pavlova, washed down with plenty of wine (following a margharita of course!) I bemoaned the fact that I didn't seem to be losing much weight. Indeed, strangely it seems to be going on. How can that be?
My friend explained that I was too busy punishing myself, telling myself what I shouldn't do - like wolfing down the very foods I crave. As we drank our lemon and ginger tea (no milk, no sugar, no calories hey!) my friend expounded some more wise words. As this was following a bottle (or two) of wine, plus the margharita my recollection of the exact wording is a little hazy, but the gist is that rewards work, punishments don't.
So that is going to be my guiding principle for the next few months. I will eat the foods I love - but not the foods that happen to be lying around in the fridge. I will dance to my favourite music, even if it makes my daughter cringe and I will arrange a holiday, some little trips and lots of shopping outings to ensure I have nice clothes to suit the slimmer, kinder-to-herself me!!
Right now I have been given the added 'joy' of being able to walk or cycle everywhere as someone has crashed into our parked car and probably written it off. As it's pretty ancient we won't get much back off the insurance so looks like it will be shank's pony for a while. How come we pay out all this money and yet insurance companies always seem to find a way to come out on top? Hmmm.
Anyway, back to the diet. I'm off to have my favourite breakfast/ brunch of low fat sausages and tomatoes. Yummmm

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